Your needs
Obtain a SIREN/SIRET number
? These registration numbers allow a company to be identified in its dealings with public bodies and government agencies.
The SIREN number identifies the entity. It is a unique, 9-digit code that remains unchanged throughout the company’s lifetime.
The SIRET number identifies each of the company’s establishments. It consists of 14 digits: the 9 digits of the SIREN number and the 5 digits corresponding to the NIC internal classification number.
Obtain domiciliation in France
? Domiciliation is the first step towards setting up a business. It applies to all French companies including sole proprietorships and micro-entrepreneurs, as well as associations.
In practical terms, this is the mailing address for administrative and tax purposes. It may be the address of the company’s premises, those of another company, the home address of the manager or chairman, or the address of the domiciliation agent.
Apply for a VAT number in France or in the EU
? The EU VAT number facilitates and guarantees commercial transactions between EU businesses. It identifies the companies concerned and simplifies customs procedures and VAT tracking and refunds in respect of deductible VAT.
The configuration of the number is specific to each country. In France, it consists of the “FR” country code followed by 11 digits. It is assigned by the tax authorities of the country where the company is domiciled and must be shown on:
- company invoices (irrespective of the place of sale or provision of the service)
- trade of goods declarations (DEB/Intrastat) and service declarations (DES/EC Sales List)
- company VAT returns
Obtain an EORI number (Economic Operator Registration and Identification)
? The EORI number is used to identify economic operators and other persons and is required when a company performs import or export transactions.