withholding tax IN FRANCE
Your company is based outside France: in this case, it is affected by one of the situations below. Click to find out more about what this means in terms of procedures and regulatory requirements.
You contribute to French social security
You don't pay French social security contributions
You provide
Salaries to employees subject to income tax in France.
You do not pay
Salaries to employees subject to income tax in France if the duration of their assignment in France does not exceed a period determined by tax treaties.
You are responsible for
Withholding tax on the income of the employees concerned, to be remitted to the French tax authorities.
You will proceed as follows
If your employee is a French resident: withholding tax on other income (PASRAU) to be paid to the French tax authorities.
If your employee is not a French resident: withholding tax for non-residents and paying it to the French tax authorities.
You appoint
An accredited French tax representative, depending on the country in which your company is incorporated, whether or not your employee is a French resident.
You appoint
An accredited French tax representative, depending on the country in which your company is incorporated, whether or not your employee is a French resident.
We look after the payment of salaries and social security contributions where applicable. There is no need to have a bank account in France - our firm takes care of everything.
Package 1
・Payment of withholding tax
Package 2
・Payment of withholding tax
・Payment of social security contributions
Package 3
・Payment of withholding tax
・Payment of social security contributions
・Payment of net wages